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The Struggle of Being a Hopeless Romantic

This is a quote from my colleague Darlene S., very poetic :

The struggle with being a hopeless romantic is that most people don’t live up to the ideal you hold up in your head. So very few can capture your imagination, no matter how hard they try. Yet a hurried glimpse from a perfect stranger can set your mind ablaze. And feed your dreamy soul for many endless hours, dreaming dreams that will never see the light of day… fantasies, illusions. You know better but can’t stop your mind from drifting, back into a world where fairy tales reign and prince charming awaits. You willingly cast away reality in favour of fantasy. Better be alone than settle you say. So on you go dreaming your life away..

Below is the translation of her words in Chinese from me:

一个无可救药的浪漫主义者最大的痛苦在于大多数人无法达到你的期望。极其少有的人能够明白你脑中的天马行空,纵然尽其所能。然而,萍水相逢的惊鸿一瞥却完美的让你迷途火海,你迷样的灵魂坠入你的梦中的世界不知归途不见天日… 痴迷也罢,幻影也罢… 你明知不可为,却无力阻止自己深陷坠落于你那公主王子的梦幻童话。梦里不知身是客,一晌贪欢。奈何弱水三千,只取一瓢饮,绝决如你。流水落花春去也,从此路人,岁月蹉跎!
